Vacherie Reclining Sofa
This reclining sofa puts comfort in style. Plush cushions are stitched to perfection. Ease back into the deep seating to rest your head on the supportive headrest. Supple fabric gives your room the high end look of leather with a spicy pop of color. You’ll love how easy it is to recline in infinite positons of relaxati
}, false);
// Special code to handle real-time price updates
stSTyleFinderWidget.addEventListener("st_dc_on_initial_load", (event) => {
// detect the sku's that need updates (initial load returns array of 4 items that need price updates)
var items = event.detail.alternateItems;
// make API calls to get the latest zone prices
const promise1 = update_pricing(items[0].id);
const promise2 = update_pricing(items[1].id);
const promise3 = update_pricing(items[2].id);
const promise4 = update_pricing(items[3].id);
Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4]).then(send_pricing);
}, false);
stSTyleFinderWidget.addEventListener("st_dc_replace_item", (event) => {
// remove the old item pricing
var previous_item = event.detail.replacedItemId;
// add the new item pricing
var sku = event.detail.itemId;
prices_updating = 1;
const promise1 = update_pricing(sku);
}, false);
function waitForSTWidget(callback) {
if (document.getElementsByTagName("shoptelligence-dc-widget").length>0) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => waitForSTWidget(callback), 50);