Bayflynn Desk

Love an urban farmhouse aesthetic? Make it work to your advantage with the beautifully styled Bayflynn desk. This simply striking choice in home office furniture has an unmistakable farmhouse feel thanks to design elements including a whitewashed decorative wood grain laminate contrasted with cross-buck rails, metal ac
{ st_add_to_cart(event) }, false); // Special code to handle real-time price updates stSTyleFinderWidget.addEventListener("st_dc_on_initial_load", (event) => { // detect the sku's that need updates (initial load returns array of 4 items that need price updates) var items = event.detail.alternateItems; // make API calls to get the latest zone prices const promise1 = update_pricing(items[0].id); const promise2 = update_pricing(items[1].id); const promise3 = update_pricing(items[2].id); const promise4 = update_pricing(items[3].id); Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4]).then(send_pricing); }, false); stSTyleFinderWidget.addEventListener("st_dc_replace_item", (event) => { // remove the old item pricing var previous_item = event.detail.replacedItemId; remove_pricing(previous_item); // add the new item pricing var sku = event.detail.itemId; prices_updating = 1; const promise1 = update_pricing(sku); promise1.then(send_pricing); }, false); } function waitForSTWidget(callback) { if (document.getElementsByTagName("shoptelligence-dc-widget").length>0) { callback(); } else { setTimeout(() => waitForSTWidget(callback), 50); } } waitForSTWidget(setup_listeners); ' >